Personalized e-mail and behavioral trigger

E-mail & Trigger Personalization

Improve your e-mail performance with dynamic e-mails and by tracking your subscriber’s behavior across your website.

E-mail personalization lets you communicate to the right subscribers at the right time in their customer journey.

Behavioral E-mail Triggers

Use your subscriber’s behavioral data to send personalized marketing e-mails to the right subscribers at the right time with the right message. Use our different behavioral e-mail triggers to encourage subscribers to purchase at different stages in their customer journey.

Raptor Profile unification
E-mail Personalization

E-mail Personalization

With dynamic product and content recommendations every e-mail you send is relevant. The products or contents you display are tailored to the individual’s preferences, behavior and interests – making them more likely to click-through and convert.

Prebuilt modules

Use our many prebuilt recommendation modules to easily create personalized marketing e-mails. All of the modules will look into the individual subscriber’s behavior to determine which products or content elements to display.

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E-mail & Triggers

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E-mail & Triggers

Do you want to know more?

Omnichannel Personalization

Personalized Experiences across all your channels

Customer Data Platform

Connect all your data sources to create a 360° Single Customer View

E-mail & Triggers

Personalized products and content in e-mails and behavioral triggers

Website Recommendations

Product- & content recommendations for web and search


Use your recommendation modules as advertising space

Advertising Recommendations

Stand out in your advertising channels with personalized ads