Premium Personalization & Experience Optimization
Solutions Overview

Omnichannel Personalization
Personalized Experiences across all your channels
Customer Data Platform
Connect all your data sources to create a 360° Single Customer View
E-mail & Triggers
Personalized products and content in e-mails and behavioral triggers
Website Recommendations
Product- & content recommendations for web and search
Use your recommendation modules as advertising space
Advertising Recommendations
Stand out in your advertising channels with personalized ads
Real-time personalized website content and products
Website Recommendations
Empower real-time personalized product recommendations that can help you create a unique shopping experience.
This will increase your basket size, order value, revenue per visit and significantly improve the customer experience.
Website Personalization covers a wide range of possibilities in recommendations for both content, products, categories and much more.
Personalized e-mail content and behavioral triggers
E-mail & Triggers
Personalized e-mail
Highly personalized e-mails with product recommendations tailored to the individual subscriber.
Personalized product recommendations in your e-mails will inspire your subscribers to engage and convert.
Automated triggers
Increase sales through e-mails by tracking specific user behavior and interactions on your site.
Send powerful automated trigger e-mails to your subscribers who have shown a high interest in a product.
Personalization for banners & product ads
Advertising Recommendations
Personalized recommendations that are tailored to the individual user’s search terms, intent, preferences, and previous behavior.
Personalization in both product and display ads will reduce banner blindness, because users are exposed to products they have interacted with previously.
Unify your customer’s touch points
Customer Data Platform
Target the right customer with the right message at the right time by having a complete overview of your customer’s journey.
Unify your CRM, website, email marketing platform, POS, SoMe, etc. to deliver truly consistent customer experiences on all channels.