ZERV x Raptor
ZERV boosted their conversion rate
by 294%
Average order value is 10% higher with Raptor modules
Performance of Raptor modules VS Non-Raptor modules
If you work with e-mail marketing, you know how long it takes to set up an e-mail flow with relevant recommendations. Imagine doing that for 13 different online stores at the same time.
This is an everyday occurrence for Nille Helweg-Mikkelsen, E-mail Marketing Specialist at ZERV. It’s only possible with a personalization engine that delivers well-tailored recommendations – automatically and in real time.
“Raptor is a tool we absolutely cannot afford to spare. The tool saves me endless time and resources that cannot be replaced”
ZERV is the mother company of a Danish sports retailer that covers 3 different kinds of sports – tennis, badminton and padel. They have smashing knowledge within racket sports and more than 22 years of experience.
Besides ZERV.dk, their portfolio also includes: Padelshoppen.com, Tennisshoppen.dk and Batmintonshoppen.dk – a total of 13 webshops across several countries including: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, and Germany.
ZERV strives to provide a high level of customer service and a wide selection of world-class products. With such a wide selection of different products, they needed a solution to help them show the most suitable product recommendations for each visitor.
In November 2021, ZERV invested in Raptor’s personalization engine for web and e-mail. In a combination with Klaviyo, Raptor helps ZERV deliver the most personal and relevant product and content recommendations – on web and in mail and across all 13 webshops. From there it’s been full speed ahead!

ZERV’s one-woman e-mail army with Raptor as her secret weapon
The average page view pr visit is more than double with a 236% increase
The average visit duration is 4 times higher when customers enter the site through a Raptor module
ZERV always prefers to have product recommendations in all their e-mails. But with the huge number of flows for several different target groups, is it impossible for Nille to choose products manually. By adding Raptor’s recommendation module, this whole process happens automatically.
“Without Raptor, I would have to manually pick recommendations for every e-mail flow for 13 different webshops. We have 10 to 15 flows for each shop and in every flow, there are approximately 4 different e-mails. This equals 800 automation e-mails to fill with recommendations. It simply cannot be done. With Raptor, it’s possible within a matter of hours.”
Raptor tracks the consumer’s behavior on the site such as product and brand interest, time spent on each product page, as well as age, gender, and other personal information. These data points inform the recommendation modules in all ZERV’s e-mail flows and ensure they’re always personalized and updated in real-time.
Nille can decide whether the recommendations show rackets, equipment, clothes, discounted items, etc. but the content of the module will continue to adjust to each individual consumer. Making sure every interaction is processed and updated within milliseconds.
Racket sport expertise in the shape of AI
The personalized modules can also act as a stand-in for human expert guidance. The customer data collected by Raptor can create expert recommendations whenever Zerv doesn’t yet know enough about the customer’s needs.
Here, the online purchases made by real racket enthusiasts become the foundation for the recommendations in the modules. A sort of crowd-sourced expert recommendation, if you will.
“Despite our detailed knowledge of racket sports, it can be difficult to know every single customer’s needs when we have different target groups with various levels, countries, and ages. That’s why customer data from enthusiasts who purchase with us is extremely valuable. Raptor helps us collect that data for us to show the best possible product recommendations for each customer” – Nille Helweg-Mikkelsen, ZERV
Raptor modules convert 294% better than non-Raptor modules
The average order value is 10% higher than non-Raptor modules
The Padel Guide – a gigantic data magnet
Padel is a wide sport that appeals to players of every age and level. That’s why it’s important for ZERV to deliver personalized offers and recommendations to make sure they fulfill each customer’s individual needs.
At Padelshoppen.com, they have created a Padel Guide to help customers find the right racket to swipe their competitors off the field. The guide asks questions about the customer and their Padel game before recommending different rackets based on their answers.
The Padel Guide is often used by new visitors and is a quick and easy way to get data about new visitors before they even start browsing. The guide is a magnet to nudge them into e-mail flows, and it helps ZERV and Raptor gain valuable information at the very beginning of the customer journey.
The Future
ZERV has big ambitions for working with customer data in the future. Right off the bat, they hope to upgrade their e-mail marketing with Behavioral Triggers to strengthen personalization within their e-mail marketing.
By adding Behavioral Triggers, they can send out e-mails based on specific behavior on the site – like cart abandonment or a price drop on an item of interest. This will help them be even more personal and responsive in their e-mails across all 13 webshops.
“For the future we want to work even more with customer data and we look very much forward to continuing our collaboration with Raptor many years from now.”
Raptor Solutions
E-mail & Triggers
Personalized products and content in e-mails and behavioral triggers
Website Personalization
Product- & content recommendations for web and search
- ZERV strives to provide a high level of service and thereby use Raptor recommendations modules which convert 294% better than non-Raptor modules
- Personalized modules can also become a stand-in for expert guidance
- Raptor’s personalization engine makes it possible for ZERV to have recommendations in all automated e-mails across their 13 webshops
- By having Web personalization, ZERV has more than doubled their average page view pr visit with a 236% increase
Reach sky-high performance with E-mail Personalization – download our guide here
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