Bon’A Parte x Raptor

Bon’A Parte – Behavioral Triggers Case


Bon’A Parte

Industry: Fashion, Apparel & Sports



Increase in sessions

Daily revenue in euro on Abandoned Basket e-mails


Bon’A Parte converts as high as 30% with Behavioral Triggers

Founded in 1987, Bon’A Parte is a Danish fashion brand with a long track record of providing quality and comfort. Bon’A Parte has been part of the successful Danish Fashion conglomerate, DK Company A/S since 2015. Today they operate in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, and Holland.

In order to continually grow and optimize their online revenue, Bon’A Parte is using personalization technology from Raptor Services. This partnership has helped them gain invaluable insight into the individual needs of its customers.

 As an eCommerce manager, my primary responsibility is to drive converting traffic to our site. The most fantastic thing about Raptor Services is that their machine learning capabilities enable us to automatically work in the after-market, which is usually very demanding of our resources. There is a major potential in working with handpicked lost traffic, which Raptor identifies and enables us to re-engage.

Jesper Holst

eCommerce Sales & Operation Manager, DK Company

Raptor Services delivers personalization technology to DK Company across a number of brands and channels. Personal product recommendations, as well as in email content where Raptor is integrated with Salesforce.



Invest in optimization to gain maximum value

Bon’A Parte was faced with a problem of about 11.000 abandoned baskets every month across their European markets.

Abandoned Basket triggers were brought up as a solution, but the organization was initially worried about the reaction from their customers as well as the impact it could have on their support team.


Abandoned Basket/ month

How did customers react?

The customers who received these emails did not react as DK Company had feared. Instead, a rather large percentage returned to purchase their abandoned items.

Today, nearly a fourth of all lost baskets are recovered!

To improve the conversion rate and user experience even further, DK Company built an informative Abandoned Basked flow of four emails for their Bon’A Parte customers. The emails in the automated flow consist of four different messages, which intend to reaffirm the user in their purchase.

They all contain the individual user’s abandoned products. The wording in the emails, however, is different. This is because there are different reasons why users do not convert. Some might have been interrupted, while others can worry about the safety of online shopping.

Consumers don’t all act the same way or have the same interests. Therefore, it’s important to personalize content according to the behavior of the individual. When you combine that with the right send-out timing, it performs incredibly well.

Jesper Holst

eCommerce Sales & Operation Manager, DK Company Online

E-mail automation that converts

The combined conversion rate of Bon’A Parte’s Abandoned Basket triggers is currently at 25% over a 30-day period. On the Swiss market, the conversion rate is as high as 30%.

As a direct result of the successful Abandoned Basket triggers, DK Company chose to implement several types of Behavioral Triggers.

Read more: Behavioral Triggers

Product Interest

Each month DK Company send approximately 11.000 Product Interest triggers to Bon’A Parte customers and they are still developing new ways to actively engage with their customers.

Product Interest triggers are able to identify signals of interest and purchase. In order to find the balance between conversion rate and timing, DK Company is currently split testing different configurations of microtrends:

One with a standard configuration, and one with a more aggressive reaction to purchase signals.

So far, the latter is bringing 20% more sessions in a period of 30 days. There is a slight decrease in conversion rate, but revenue has increased dramatically. This result is possible as long as the increase in revenue outweighs the decrease in conversion rate.

Download our guide on E-mail Personalization here

Category Interest

For the Category Interest trigger, the setup is quite different. When a user displays interest in a given category, we don’t fire a trigger which releases an email. Instead, Raptor sends a data point to Salesforce. Here the e-commerce team at DK Company is able to accumulate category interest triggers and set up a custom flow of emails based on microtrends.

Behavioral Triggers enable online businesses to maintain a personal and engaging relationship with their users. Out of all the ways to re-engage users that leave your site, triggers are the fastest way to achieve a high ROI.

Jan Skov

COO, Raptor Services A/S


  • In order to achieve maximum value, you have to invest in optimization. It is important to have a starting point from where you can optimize towards your own strategy.
  • The scalability of Behavioral Triggers is endless and automated. The more permissions you collect, the more triggers will be activated based on real-time user behavior on your site.
  • Across their markets in Europe, the Bon’A Parte webshop has a conversion rate of 20-30% on Behavioral Triggers.
  • DK Company is now at €4.000 daily revenue from Behavioral Triggers alone.

Raptor Solutions

E-mail & Triggers

Personalized products and content in e-mails and behavioral triggers

Website Personalization

Product- & content recommendations for web and search

Do you want to know more about this case?

A Raptor expert can share more about the product and answer any questions you have

Mads Thorsen

Dennis Egelund

Senior Consultant

Phone: +45 22 72 03 96
Mail: [email protected]

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