Beta Release: Data Manager is now available for CDP

Jun 18, 2021 | Release Notes

What is new?

The Data Manager

The Data Manager is a self-service tool that supports data from all sources. With the Data Manager little technical knowledge i required to combine, transform and map data from different sources.

The Data Manager is released in beta from the 18th of June and only supports data into the Customer Data Platform at the moment.

What you need to know

What does the Data Manager do?

The Data Manager is a tool supporting data from all sources and enables validation, transformation and data-cleansing for use in all of Raptor’s solutions. This ensures a high data quality that is both consistent and usable for Raptor solutions.

The Data Manager is easy to use, but without skipping any complex and crucial features.

With the Data Manager you get a complete overview of all the configured data flows along with a detailed page for each individual flow, how it runs, errors and the number of rows imported in each schema.

Where is the Data Manager active?

At the moment, the Data Manager only supports data into the Customer Data Platform, however, it is a global tool that in the near future it will be connected to the Recommendation engine as well.

You find the Data Manager in the Tools-section in the drop-down menu in the top of the Control Panel.

What is the price for the Data Manager?

At the moment the Data Manager is available for CDP-customers. If you have a Raptor CDP this is included in your current price model.


Do  you need help?

A new management tool often requires some practice and some getting used to.

Please contact the PS team for any questions or if you want a training session that makes you familiar with the structure and usability of the Data Manager.

Beta Release: Data Manager is now available for CDP

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