Billig VVS Case Study
Personalized Search with Raptor & Algolia

Date: June 2020
Customer: BilligVVS
Language: English
Partner: Algolia
In collaboration with Algolia, Raptor Services hosted this webinar, where Nicolas Gerard from Algolia and Jeppe Godske Olsen from Raptor Services gave an introduction to what personalized search is and why it is important.
Based on the common Raptor and Algolia success case, BilligVVS, Nicolas, and Jeppe will show some best practice examples of how to use personalized search on your website.
Spend 45 minutes and learn why personalized search is a must-have for every commerce.
- Short intro: Raptor & Algolia
- What is personalized search?
- Customer Success Case
- Best-practice
- Q&A session