Customer Data – The Omnichannel Core


Duration: 45 minutes
May 2020
Language: English
Partner: Vertica

Vertica and Raptor are co-hosted this webinar, where Lars Christensen and Jeppe Godske Olesen introduced the basic concepts of a Customer Data Platform.

The webinar will give you insights on how to get started with a CDP and the processes around the setup.


  • Vertica & Raptor – Short intro
  • Why the market is turning towards CDP 
  • Understanding CDP
  • Time frame & start-up on a CDP
  • Key takeaways
  • Q&A session


    Jeppe Godske Olsen - global director in raptor services

    Jeppe Godske Olsen

    Global Partner Director, Raptor

    +45 51 20 88 21
    [email protected]

    Lars Christensen Vertica

    Lars Christensen

    Partner, Strategi & E-Business

    +45 27 79 60 22
    [email protected]